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Workshop on Japanese Business Culture

Szukasz partnerów biznesowych w Japonii? Zamierzasz prowadzić rozmowy handlowe z Japończykami? Jesteś zainteresowany kulturą biznesową w tym kraju? Zastanawiasz się czym jest Nemawashi? Weź udział w spotkaniu "Workshop on Japanese Business Culture" organizowanym przez pomorski ośrodek Enterprise Europe Network przy Stowarzyszeniu "Wolna Przedsiębiorczość", Pomorskiego Brokera Eksportowego oraz EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.

kwi 26

piątek, godz. 19:30

bilety 75,00 zł
cze 13

czwartek, godz. 8:50

bilety 250 zł
ulgowy 150 zł
Tematyka warsztatów obejmuje zapoznanie przedsiębiorców z podstawami japońskiej kultury biznesowej, przedstawienie typowych japońskich zachowań i postaw opartych na ich kulturze oraz praktyczne wskazówki jak uniknąć nieporozumień podczas kontaktów biznesowych z Japończykami.

Prowadzącym warsztat jest pani Masako Kato. Warsztaty prowadzone będą w jęz. angielskim.

Masako Kato is an independent Culture Consultant at her own company, Many Truthsand an associate partner of Hofstede Insights. Originally from Japan, Masako spent a few years of her childhood and student time in the USA. She holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the Sophia University in Tokyo. After her study, she worked 2 and half years for an International Congress Services Co., Ltd. in Tokyo as an international conference organizer. Then she moved to the Netherlands and worked for Fujifilm BV in Tilburg at Human Resources Management Department for 16 years. In this way, she knows the Japanse business culture both from inside and outside.

9:00 Registration
9:10 Presentation of Enterprise Europe Network and Pomeranian Export Broker activities
9:30 Welcome and presentation of the EU-Japan Centre's activities
9:40 Workshop part 1 - Start of the Workshop: Brief introduction, Questions and Challenges of doing business with Japan
09:55 Workshop part 2 - Understanding the Key Japanese Cultural Drivers behind Business Practices: Better sure than sorry, Pursuit of Excellence, Hierarchy and Group as structure, Long term perseverance, There is always a room for improvement
10:35 Workshop part 3 - Business Scenario Workshop I (Communicaiton): Relationship building, Verbal and non-verbal communication, Direct and indirect communication, How to read the air?, Face to Face, Video conferencing, E-mail
11:35 Coffee break
11:50 Workshop part 4 - Business Scenario Workshop II: First visit to Japan, Meetings & Follow-ups, Welcoming a Japanese Delegation, Decision Making Process, Negotiation Process
13:00 Revisiting Participants' Questions and Challenges: Did the participants get answers/pointers?
13:15 Evaluation & End of Workshop: One takeaway from each participant
13:30 Closing Remark by EU-Japan Centre

Informacja o biletach

ZAPISY – formularz http://www.brokereksportowy.pl/pl/oferta/47-seminaria/seminaria-aktualne/432-spotkanie-workshop-on-japanese-business-culture.html
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